Supernatural : Faith
Show: Supernatural
Episode Name: Faith
Season: 1
Episode Nr: 12
Guest Stars '|Aaron Craven|Alex Diakun|Cainan Wiebe|Colin Lawrence|Conrad Whitaker|Jim Codrington|John Holmsworth|Kenya Jo Ken|Kevin McNulty|Nicholas Harrison|Pat Waldron|Rebecca Jenkins|Rikki Gagne|Scott Miller|Shawn Reis|Tiffany Knight|Woody Jeffreys|'
Overview 'When Dean is accidentally electrocuted fighting a monster, he permanently damages his heart. When he\'s diagnosed as only having a month, at most, to live, Sam searches for a means to save him and finds Roy Le Grange, a faith healer who may actually be the real deal. After Le Grange heals Dean, the brothers discover that Le Grange is using black magic to bind a \"Reaper\" to do his bidding... and each healing comes with a terrible price.\r\n'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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