New Amsterdam : Immortal Being (Pilot)
Show: New Amsterdam
Episode Name: Immortal Being (Pilot)
Season: 1
Episode Nr: 1
Guest Stars 'Robert Clohessy|Christian Corp|Kristin Griffith|Luis Antonio Aponte|Daniel Raymont|Kathy Searle|Tamara Podemski|Carla Rae Holland|Malachi Weir|Greg Stuhr|Eric William Morris|Paul Diomede|Alessandra Balazs|Selenis Leyva|Stephen Schnetzer|Ken Marks|Judith Roberts|Justin Grace|Tom Mason'
Overview 'John Amsterdam - a brilliant New York homicide detective who\'s also an immortal being. John will only start aging once he finds his true love which hasn\'t happened for the past 400 years of his life. John\'s homicide partner is a woman named Eva Marquez. The only person who knows John\'s secret of immortality is Omar, who also happens to have his own secret safe with John.\n\nJohn escapes death when he finds himself investigating the murder of a socialite who is somehow connected to his past.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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