New Amsterdam : Reclassified
Show: New Amsterdam
Episode Name: Reclassified
Season: 1
Episode Nr: 7
Guest Stars 'Susan Misner|Chris Bauer|Isiah Whitlock Jr|Kristine Sutherland|Donnie Keshawarz|Tim Devlin|Michael Solomon|Hudson Orbe|David Vadim|Chris LaPanta|Olek Krupa|Ivo Velon|James Lindenberg'
Overview 'Andy Gleason, John\'s first partner on the force, is dying of leukemia brought on by a bullet wound fired by an unseen shooter. He asks John to bring his killer to justice due to his weakened condition. The investigation brings John into contact with the Russian Mafia while he flashes back to how he got started as a police detective.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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