Hawaii Five-O : The Bomber And Mrs. Moroney
Show: Hawaii Five-O
Episode Name: The Bomber And Mrs. Moroney
Season: 3
Episode Nr: 22
Guest Stars '|Arte McCullough|Barton McCullough|Bea Barrett-Davis|Clarence Garcia|Doug Kaya|Douglas Mossman|Earl Thompson|Harold Iseke|Hope Summers|Mark Jenkins|Roland Naauao|Terrilee Kekoolani|Verne Hoke|'
Overview 'Danno\'s past comes back to haunt him when the brother of a young boy he shot is released and wants revenge. The brother takes Chin Ho, Jenny and others hostage in McGarrett\'s office and threatens to blow them up, and Danno must resolve the tense situation.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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