FBI : Conflict of Interest
Show: FBI
Episode Name: Conflict of Interest
Season: 1
Episode Nr: 19
Guest Stars '|Aleeah Rogers|Alexander Pineiro|Andrew Hovelson|Anna Weng|Bueka Uwemedimo|Christopher M. Ramirez|Cori Dioquino|Donald Paul|James Chen|James T. Alfred|Jason Furlani|Jean Francois Ogoubiyi|Kurt Uy|Laris Macario|Mike Keller|Taylor Selé|Teren Carter|'
Overview 'An American diplomat is killed while being used as a pawn in a dangerous drug ring, and the team must work together to bring them down. Also, Jubal and OA try to help friends from their past fight off their inner demons.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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