FBI : Undisclosed
Show: FBI
Episode Name: Undisclosed
Season: 2
Episode Nr: 7
Guest Stars '|Amy Staats|Andre Blake|Andrew Rothenberg|aylor Anthony Miller|Bryce Romero|Chavonne Marie Rogers|Donnie Keshawarz|Erinn Ruth|Faran Tahir|Gabrielle Lee|J. Paul Nicholas|John Mazurek|Katharine Chin|Layla Khosh|Matthew Jacob|Michael Abbott Jr.|Shelley Thomas-Harts|Tom Kemnitz Jr.|Zack Calderon|'
Overview 'When a board member of a soon-to-be-public medical tech company is murdered, the team tries to find out who had the most to gain from his death. OA is conflicted when pressure to help a family member is at odds with his commitment to tell the truth.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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