Coronation Street : Episode 4328 (4th January 1998)
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: Episode 4328 (4th January 1998)
Season: 39
Episode Nr: 2
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Deirdre remembers Linda booking a holiday at Sunliners and is annoyed at her stupidity for not realising Jon was married. She\'s upset that she\'s lost her £5,000. Janice is alarmed to discover Leanne has gone to Scotland with Nick. Deirdre goes to Jon\'s house and warns Linda about Jon and how he\'s being lying to her. She is stunned when Linda threatens her with the police, saying she knows that she\'s been stalking Jon for months. Linda tells her that she\'s sick and mad and needs treatment. Gail is horrified when she learns Leanne is with Nick in Scotland. \r\n\r\n'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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