تحميل A Cloud Guru | Advanced AWS CloudFormation (Legacy) [FCO] torrent - GloDLS
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A Cloud Guru | Advanced AWS CloudFormation (Legacy) [FCO]

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اسم:A Cloud Guru | Advanced AWS CloudFormation (Legacy) [FCO]

Publisher: ACloud.Guru
Runtime: 12.9 hours
Course Source: https://acloud.guru/learn/aws-advanced-cloudformation

With AWS CloudFormation you can deploy resources in AWS quickly, in a consistent and repeatable way, and - most importantly - across multiple regions!!

AWS CloudFormation provides you an easy way to create and manage your collection of related AWS resources. You can use AWS CloudFormation to provision and update your AWS services by simply using a template to describe the resources, dependencies, and runtime parameters. After the AWS resources are deployed, you can modify and manage your AWS infrastructure by editing the Cloud Formation templates - much the same way you update your software code.

This AWS Cloudformation course is designed for students with a good base knowledge of CloudFormation and AWS - and will teach you the advanced techniques, tips and tricks of CloudFormation.

It's over 12 hours long - split 50/50 between advanced theory and rich demo lessons you can run within your own environments. Resources are provided within the course-resources section of each lesson, or the course GitHub repo allowing you to perform the labs with minimal time investment.

After completing this AWS CloudFormation course, you'll be comfortable using all features of the service - and will be able to use the product to design, deploy and maintain complex systems within AWS.

We'll start by refreshing some basic concepts learned in real-world usage or other entry-level AWS CloudFormation courses. Following on from that, you'll learn all about intermediate, advanced and expert level CloudFormation features via two real-world case study sections.

Wordpress Hosting Inc is Web Hosting Company looking to utilize CloudFormation to provide a one touch self-service deployment platform for Wordpress.

Cody's Development LLC is a software development business looking to implement automated deployment and testing for their application platform - in addition to providing a portal based deployment system for testing, pre-sales and production hosting.

Each case-study finishes with a large 'proof-of-concept' hands-on lab which utilizes all of the CloudFormation concepts touched on in that section and demonstrates the power of of the product.

I hope you'll join me, and over 12 hours of lessons and hands-on labs - learn how to become a CloudFormation expert, improve your career and get involved in bigger and more exciting projects.

يوتيوب فيديو:
اللغة:English  English
إجمالي حجم:2.80 GB
تجزئة المعلومات:CA1C4951B7A790C0EFBD5278ABB241AA8FF006ED
وأضاف بها:Prom3th3uS Super AdministratorMovie PirateVIP
تاريخ الإضافة:2020-11-16 15:34:57
سيل مركز:Torrent Verified

تصنيفات:Not Yet Rated (Log in to rate it)


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