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Forest Life - Practical Meditations on Canoeing, Fishing, Hunting, and Bushcraft (Cla...

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_NAME_:Forest Life - Practical Meditations on Canoeing, Fishing, Hunting, and Bushcraft (Cla...

Forest Life: Practical Meditations on Canoeing, Fishing, Hunting, and Bushcraft (Classic Outdoors)
By George Washington Sears
Black Dog & Leventhal | October 2018 | ISBN: 978-0-762-46554-5 | ePUB | 21.1 mb


Forest bathers, readers of Cabin Porn and Your Cabin in the Woods, rejoice! This illustrated collection of Sears' odes to the outdoors is your perfect escape into nature.

Forest Life collects George Washington Sears' timeless writing about the joys of exploring the wilderness, edited for a modern audience. In text both practical and inspirational, Sears' provides enduring wisdom about trips into the woods and lakes, including equipment, campfires, fishing, camp cooking, traveling light, and canoes.

The original "forest bather," Sears wanted others to enjoy the woods as he did. His published Woodcraft in 1884 to help prepare skillful, self-reliant woodsman and to extol the restorative power of nature, writing "There are men who, on finding themselves alone in a pathless forest, become appalled, almost panic stricken. . . And there be some who plunge into an unbroken forest with a feeling of fresh, free, invigorating delight, as they might dash into a crisp ocean surf on a hot day." In addition to Woodcraft, Forest Life contains many of his articles from Forest and Stream, as well as his nature poetry.

Sears is especially eloquent about canoeing, which he helped popularize with published tales of his adventures. In 1883, when he was 61 years old and suffering from tuberculosis, he used a 9-foot, 10-1/2 pound canoe to travel 266 miles through the Adirondacks, writing, "The easy, gentle rocking of the canoe was the best incentive to drowsiness I ever found, and by night or day was nearly certain to send me into dreamland. A score of times I have gone to sleep drifting on deep, wide water, to be awakened by the pressing and bumping of the little craft among the dead balsams and spruces that make [up] half the shorelines of all the lakes in the North Woods."

This two-color gift book, illustrated with period etchings of scenes, people, flora, and fauna of the Adirondacks, is the perfect gift book for the outdoor enthusiast. This handsome, affordable collection will be especially appealing to the millions who canoe, camp, and fish.

About the Author
Born in 1821, George Washington Sears is renowned for his writing for Forest and Stream magazine, as well as publishing the classic camping guide Woodcraft in 1884 and his poetry collection Forest Runes in 1887. Writing under the pen name "Nessmuk," he helped popularize canoeing, camping, and wilderness conservation, notably in the Adirondacks. He worked with pioneering boat builder J. Henry Rushton to create one of the first lightweight and affordable canoes, succeeding to such a degree that his boat Sairy Gamp was a featured exhibition at the Smithsonian. Upon his death, both a lake and a mountain in Pennsylvania were named in his honor.
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Langue :English  English
Taille totale:21.98 MB
Info Hash:3C6C214CA0DA06C826A6736EB179DA1C415C7858
Ajouté par:gnv64 VIPBook Worm
Date:2018-10-30 12:28:39
Statut Torrent:Torrent Verified

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