
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 502 kb
Overview: Sophie has come back home to try and come to grips with her new reality: She’s a Fae, not human, and her memories have been stolen. Oh, and she’s a shard – a fractured piece of... someone.
All Sophie knows is that the ‘someone’ she used to be angered the Fae queen, who then split her into five separate beings and scattered them on earth. But why? And why take their memories?
The Odd Ones, now including Ruby – who Sophie thought was a long-long twin sister but is actually also one of the shards – are on a quest to find all the missing shards. The question is: How will they find the other three?
And if that wasn’t enough, a new important death vision leads Sophie, Mac, and Ruby on a new mission to Las Vegas. Posing as high rollers, the crew must track the killers and shut down the illegal shifter fight club where the murder took place. At least that will take Sophie’s mind off how truly bizarre her life has become.
While on the case, new visions and new friends give Sophie some hope that she can figure herself out. But the Odd Ones will need to hurry – they aren't the only ones trying to find the lost shards.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Product details
Language : English
File size : 4403 KB
Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Sticky notes : On Kindle Scribe
Print length : 344 pages
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