
Requirements: .ePUB/.AZW Reader, 1.55 MB
Overview: He grew up in Texas. He graduated with a Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice before joining the Army, yet still always dreamed of writing.
Genre Sci- Fi, Thriller, Dystopian
Apex Predator - The world has come to an end. The dead have risen to devour the living. Mike and Jen find themselves trapped in their home with two neighbors, teenaged children. Staff Sergeant Brown finds himself leading a squad of National Guard troopers in the Government’s first attempt to control the outbreak. He soon finds himself and two of his troopers separated from their unit.
Staff Sergeant Brown again finds himself leading not only soldiers, but also an ever increasing number of civilians as they attempt to escape from the never ending masses of undead. After a helicopter rescue results in tragedy, he leads them out of the city. How long can he keep the rag-tag group of survivors alive in this world over-run by a new APEX predator?
Escape from the Damned - Eighteen days ago the world ended. The cities are filled with waves of living dead; the last of the living struggle to escape the hordes. Before that day National Guard Staff Sergeant Brown was only responsible for a squad of ten Louisiana National Guardsmen.
Now all but one is dead and he finds himself leading a rag-tag bunch of soldiers and civilians. They have taken refuge in a rural veterinarian’s office. A dire warning from a survivor they find riddled with bullets causes them to rethink the safety of their new home. They soon find out just how ruthless some have become in this world with no government, no rules, and hoards of undead devouring everyone.
Verge of Extinction - 32 Days ago, the world ended. The dead now roam the earth. SSgt Brown has led a ragtag group of survivors out of the city and across the state of Louisiana. They soon find that larger numbers don’t bring safety. Larger numbers bring means more mouths to feed and people to protect from both the living and the dead.
Product details
Language : English
File size: 649 KB
Text-to-speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Reading Comfort : Enabled
X-Ray : Not activated
Word Wise : Enabled
Reminders : On Kindle Scribe
Number of pages of the printed edition: 166 pages
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