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A Team-FTU project!

SQL auditing andcompliance
Meet SQL Server audit and compliance requirements for all instances across your enterprise
-Audit all SQL database and security activities
-Meet compliance requirements e.g. HIPAA, GDPR, PCI
-Out-of-the-box and custom reporting
-Securely store audit data in a tamper-evident repository
-Fully customize all auditing, alerts, and reporting
-Who, what, where, when and before-after auditing
-Deploy on SQL Server Failover Clusters
-Easily manage auditing on multiple servers
Customizable auditing and compliance templates
Use existing out-of-the-box templates to configure SQL Server instance auditing and ensure that the auditing configuration includes all SQL Server and database level events required to meet HIPAA, SOX, PCI, FERPA and other compliance standards. Customize existing templates or create your own and apply them to multiple SQL Servers with a single click
Who, what, when and how auditing
Identify, track and receive alerts when specific objects are accessed or data was viewed. Find out the name of the login, computer, and application used to access audited objects as well as the time of the event. Learn more
Before-and-after auditing
Audit data changes from insert, update and delete operations. Investigate and compare original values to the new ones. Learn more
Application and login level auditing
Audit operations executed by specific users, including high privilege users, or choose to perform full auditing of database changes from specific applications
Customizable and out-of-the-box reports
Quickly review captured information by selecting from a library of built-in reports. Create new, custom reports from any existing report
Low overhead
Minimal or negligible impact on performance while SQL Server events are being audited and processed into the central repository database
Tamper-evident repository design
Automatically detect any changes or on the audited data, or auditing and alerting configurations. Receive alerts, in real time, based on any suspicious activities. Learn more
User security
Assign different roles to specific users or groups to increase application and data security
High filter granularity and precision
Use logical conditions and group them, per configuration requirement, to create audit filter configurations, reports and even alerting with high precision and maximum granularity
Custom alerting
Get notified and alerted, in real time, when important events occur on audited SQL Servers including critical auditing events and data changes or configuration updates. Utilize existing alerts or create custom ones. Write alerts to the windows event log or send via email. Learn more
Threshold alerting
Utilize custom scripts to check for important thresholds. Get alerted on any threshold breaches in real time
Login auditing
See all successful or failed login attempts on audited SQL Server instances and view login access history. Learn more
Security change auditing
Investigate any permission, SQL login, user, password or role changes. Learn more
SQL Server activity auditing
Audit all operations performed on your SQL instances including data and schema changes, select statements as well as login, user, and permission related activities. Learn more
Ease of use
Quickly install and configure auditing filters to setup an auditing plan in minutes
Automatic deployment
Components are automatically installed and deployed to all machines that host SQL Server instances that are audited, removing the need for any additional manual installation or implementation tasks on user’s side
Audit data archiving
Archive data without interrupting ongoing auditing. Choose the frequency, detach and transfer old repositories to storage safely and easily. Restore old repositories to read archived audited data
Automatic reporting
Schedule report generation on a desired frequency. Have your daily, weekly or monthly reports automatically created and available per pre-defined schedules
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