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Overview: In Burden of Conscience, the fourth novel in the Collingwood Series, Winson's life is in a tranquil period. However, his family in China is faced with strife, hardship, and a bleak future. Yearning to be reunited with them, Winson is faced with choices that will complicate and endanger the lives of everyone he loves. His mother made him promise not to look back at his life in Hangzhou because his future would be in Canada. But, if he keeps that promise, will his family survive?
Conscience is the voice and mirror of our soul. Will a time come when Winson must choose an uncertain direction because his conscience tells him he must?
Burden of Conscience is a rich, stirring novel that brings to life the harsh realities of life and death choices that divide nations and humanity. A testament to hope, resilience, and the strength of the human spirit to survive adversity.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics |