Five Good Minutes in the Evening: 100 Mindful Practices to Help You Relieve Stress and Bring Your Best to Work
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
Jeffrey Brantley, Wendy Millstine
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1572244550
ISBN-13: 978-1572244559
232 Pages
4.39 MB
Five Minutes to a Calm, Relaxed, and Joyful Evening
What’s a typical weeknight like for you? Do you leave your workplace, endure the evening commute, putter around the house, race through dinner, and collapse into bed—only to discover that it’s time to go to work again? That’s no way to live! You can leave tension at the office and the traffic on the highway. Just five good minutes stand between a stressful workday and a restorative evening of calm, serenity, and joy.
From the authors of Five Good Minutes, these 100 engaging practices can lead you out of a hectic day and into a peaceful night. This collection of mindfulness exercises, positive visualizations, and affirmations can become a powerful force for change in your life. In no time at all, the five good minutes you give yourself in the evening can help you transform the mundane into the extraordinary and renew your vitality and passion for life.