
Book details
File Size: 1.64 MB
Format: epub
Print Length: 1764 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Archimedes Books; 1 edition (July 8, 2019)
Publication Date: July 8, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B07V2546PT
The Corps Chooses You
The Arilion Knights have faded to legend. Famed warriors of this galactic order have not been required to fight the darkness in the universe for centuries, until now.
Frank Wolffe and Emma Jackson will soon learn that the mantle is heavy. The path is dangerous but what it takes has always lain within.
No hero does is alone. Along the way they’ll find allies that will become friends. Together they’ll roar into the night and fight for the light.
For the first time, you can get the main Gateway series and the New Arilion Knights spinoff in reading order. This one’s for the adventure lovers, the space enthusiasts and those with a heart for exploration.
1. Into the Breach (Gateway to the Galaxy #1)
You know that “We come in peace” thing? Apparently, they didn’t get the memo.
Frank and Marine Space Corps One find themselves across the galaxy in a WWE smackdown with the legions of a boss-level villain. But the party’s just getting started. He donned the mantle of a celestial knight to impress a girl, well, an empress. Now destiny’s calling in a debt.
2. Always Forward (Gateway to the Galaxy #2)
They’re getting the band back together. And this time it’s serious nonsense.
Things are pretty far from OK. King Kong ain’t got nothing on Frank’s new mentor who’s taking him through an Arilion Knight’s crucible. And the Hans Gruber of the universe is trying to wipe out taco Tuesdays (along with all of life’s great celebrations).
3. Chaos Sieged (Gateway to the Galaxy #3)
He enlisted for the money. He stayed for the girl.
Now, his true test is whether he can lead a coalition of aliens against a an ancient tyrant. Frank and Marine Space Corps-1 will pull out all the stops; power armor? Check. Warships? Check! Taking the fight to the Lord of Chaos? Heck yeah! Because the victor takes the universe while the loser meets an unfathomable end.
4. The Academy (The New Arilion Knights #1)
Now she doesn’t belong on Earth; But her home planet would reject her. Emma’s problems go far beyond carb-counting mean girls. With nonhuman-like pointed ears and a stuttering problem brought on by anxiety, she’s one of the few who know Earth’s about to be blindsided with annihilation.
What if the only way to save her home is to secretly join the academy of intergalactic warriors? And the only way to save her dad is to betray him? It’s up to this wallflower to stop bullying from going extraterrestrial.
5. Face Toward Enemy (Gateway to the Galaxy #4)
He saved the universe from chaos; and it’ll come back to haunt him.
Just when you thought it was safe to explore the universe, a new enemy emerges from the darkness. You know the deal with these things: someone’s always ready to put on the gauntlet and do the finger snap. Unintended consequences from the fallout of the battle with the Chaos Lord come back to haunt the team.
All Frank wants to do is rebuild the Arilion Order and eat tacos. No such luck. A new enemy is going to give Frank and the rest of Marine Space Corps-1 a run for their money.
6. Burn the Night (The New Arilion Knights #2)
Because saving Earth was only the beginning. Now “hostile takeover” is putting it lightly.
When Emma is “voluntold” to build a coalition against a sleeper cell enemy, her new abilities will be put to the test. She’ll learn secrets better left in the dark and that she’s not a one-man army. But as her worst fears come true, she may have to see her dad’s heart break all over again. Two opposing races. One planet. Can Emma and the new alliances survive the pressure?
7. Rise Up (Gateway to the Galaxy #5)
The Marine who became a Knight. The Knight who led his team to redemption. Because a failed mission means letting down those who mean the most to him.
A ghost from his past has returned. It’s up to Frank and Marine Space Corps-1 to bring her in one way or another. He’d prefer the easy way. With his Arilion powers tested, this mission will be his greatest challenge as a man; as a leader; as a Marine.
8. Strength in Struggle (The New Arilion Knights #3)
The aliens are set to obliterate. Every Knight will be vital.
She leaves home for the academy, perhaps for the last time. Fighting back an invading race has put Earth on the radar of tyrants.
While humanity’s newly appointed space force peacekeeping branch is formed, it will be up to Emma and her band of fighters to put down the intergalactic bullies of the universe once and for all. The final battle will begin. No one will come out unscathed.
9. Do or Die (Gateway to the Galaxy #6)
Everyone he loves will gather… To watch him die or to join in victory.
Frank’s on a rampage for blood. After a man driven by hate has taken things beyond personal, it’s time for a reckoning. Jarl Balder is out to eradicate Marine Space Corps-1 and the Arilon Knights.
Across the universe and reaching back in time, the team of Marine prepares to encounter an army of ancient robots led by a maniacal terrorist.
With Yur’l’s life hanging on the edge, only one thing can overcome the insatiable hate of their enemy. Is Frank ready to offer himself as a sacrifice to save the woman he loves and his family of Marines?
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