
----------- MOVIE -----------
Gogol. Viy (201 BDRip от ExKinoRay
E-link: IMDB | KinoPoisk
“Do not leave the circle”
----------- INFO -----------
Also Known As: Gogol. Viy
Release Year: 2018
Country: Russia / Production studio “Sreda”
Genre: Horror | Mystery | Thriller
Duration: 01:39:13
Translation: Original (Russian) [Blu-ray RUS License]
Subtitles: no
Director: Egor Baranov
Writers: Aleksey Chupov, Aleksey Karaulov
Stars: Alexander Petrov, Evgeniy Stychkin, Artyom Suchkov ...
------- Description -------
ENG Storyline |
A Russian fantasy sequel to "Gogol: The Beginning (2017).
Again, Nikolai Gogol, the leading character from the 2017 film,
a young man who suffered unpredictable violent epileptic seizures,
but during such seizures he would visualize something mysteriously
happen in the dark world. This time, a serial killer has already murdered
eleven women around a village, rumors spread by the villagers
claiming the killer is a dark horseman. Gogol is ordered to investigate
the murder cases, instead of going nowhere to solve it,
he's beginning to suffer macabre visions more and more during
his investigation, then he suddenly learns the next victim would
be his girlfriend, Liza. But he doubts his ability won't stop what's
gonna happen. Then he accidentally meet a witch hunter,
Khoma Brut, with him they stay in an old church and asking the witch,
Ulyana, to call up the evil spirit Viy to help fencing off the coming murder.
RUS Storyline |
Писарь из Санкт-Петербурга Николай Гоголь
бросает вызов загадочному тёмному Всаднику,
который жестоко расправляется с девушками в окрестностях села Диканька.
Собрав команду из местного полицейского, пьяницы-доктора,
суеверного кузнеца и странствующего философа-экзорциста,
Гоголь пытается заманить злодея в ловушку, но на его пути встает
самое жуткое порождение нечистой силы — Вий,
один взгляд которого способен высосать душу смертного.
Неожиданно для себя Гоголь выясняет, что с потусторонними
силами его связывают не только таинственные видения.
BG Storyline |
Писарят от Санкт Петербург Николай Гогол отправя
предизвикателство към загадъчния Черен конник,
който жестоко погубва момичета в околностите на Диканка.
Гогол събира компания от местния полицай, докторът-пияница,
суеверният ковач и странстващия философ екзорсист,
и опитва да примами злодея в капан. Но на пътя му застава най-страшното
творение на нечистата сила – Вий, само един поглед на когото може
да изсмуче душата на смъртен. Неочаквано за себе си, Гогол открива,
че не само тайнствените му видения го свързват с отвъдните сили.
------- TECN DATA -------
Complete name : G:\РУСКО КИНО\Gogol.Vij.2018.RUS.BDRip.1.46Gb_ExKinoRay_by_Twi7ter.avi
Format : AVI
Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave
File size : 1.46 GiB
Duration : 1 h 39 min
Overall bit rate : 2 108 kb/s
Movie name : Gogol.Vij.2018.RUS.BDRip.1.46Gb_ExKinoRay_by_Twi7ter
Director : Twi7ter
Genre : Thriller/Adventure/Drama
Original source form/Name : Movie
ID : 0
Format : MPEG-4 Visual
Format profile : Advanced Simple@L5
Format settings : BVOP2 / Custom Matrix
Format settings, BVOP : 2
Format settings, QPel : No
Format settings, GMC : No warppoints
Format settings, Matrix : Custom
Codec ID : XVID
Codec ID/Hint : XviD
Duration : 1 h 39 min
Bit rate : 1 650 kb/s
Width : 720 pixels
Height : 304 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 2.35:1
Frame rate : 24.000 FPS
Color space : YUV
Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0
Bit depth : 8 bits
Scan type : Progressive
Compression mode : Lossy
Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.314
Stream size : 1.14 GiB (78%)
Writing library : XviD 73
ID : 1
Format : AC-3
Format/Info : Audio Coding 3
Commercial name : Dolby Digital
Codec ID : 2000
Duration : 1 h 39 min
Bit rate mode : Constant
Bit rate : 448 kb/s
Channel(s) : 6 channels
Channel layout : L R C LFE Ls Rs
Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz
Frame rate : 31.250 FPS (1536 SPF)
Bit depth : 16 bits
Compression mode : Lossy
Stream size : 318 MiB (21%)
Alignment : Aligned on interleaves
Interleave, duration : 42 ms (1.00 video frame)
Interleave, preload duration : 512 ms
Service kind : Complete Main
------- SCREEN -------

------- RELEASE -------
Release Author: Release: