Title: Halluci-Sabbat of Koishi
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG, Early Access
Developer: 地霊研究院
Publisher: 地霊研究院, ZRIGN
Release Date: 7 Jan, 2022
About This Game
Touhou Project, Komeiji Koishi's Action Game, with collision between sword and magic! Help Marisa hold a Sabbat of witches, and explore the way of treasure hunt with wisdom and strength. On the day of the war, there is the glory of death and no shame of life.
System Requirements
OS: Windows 7Processor: Any CPUMemory: 2 GB RAMGraphics: AnyDirectX: Version 9.0Storage: 1 GB available spaceSound Card: Normal Sound CardAdditional Notes: In case of jamming and frame reduction caused by special effects, it can be solved by manually switching to independent graphics card operation
OS: Windows 10Processor: Intel® Core™ x5-Z8350Memory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 950DirectX: Version 11Storage: 1 GB available spaceSound Card: Normal Sound CardAdditional Notes: In case of jamming and frame reduction caused by special effects, it can be solved by manually switching to independent graphics card operation