How: Why How We Do Anything Means Everything
Dov Seidman , President Bill Clinton (Foreword)
ISBN: 1118106377, 3527505830
149 pages
PDF,Mobi, Epub
1.91+1,13 + 1.45 MB =4.50 MB
The flood of information, unprecedented transparency, increasing interconnectedness-and our global interdependence-are dramatically reshaping today's world, the world of business, and our lives. We are in the Era of Behavior and the rules of the game have fundamentally changed. It is no longer what you do that matters most and sets you apart from others, but how you do what you do. What's are commodities, easily duplicated or reverse-engineered. Sustainable advantage and enduring success for organizations and the people who work for them now lie in the realm of how, the new frontier of conduct |