
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 774kb
Overview: A nameless, ambitionless office worker finds his small apartment gradually invaded by three other people: all younger than himself, but seemingly no less adrift. The year is 1986, and the strange communal life of this foursome, extending over half a year, from the end of winter to midsummer, makes up the plot, such as it is, of Plainsong, as this ersatz family finds itself growing closer, and life continues quietly around them.
Part of the generation that grew to prominence following the success of baby boomers like Haruki Murakami, Kazushi Hosaka’s work chronicles the small moments, the moments without conflict, that most novels work to elide. His characters talk, work, exist; their story is one where the tiniest occurrence takes on the proportions of a grand drama. It makes for an interesting slice of Japanese life, and attempt to capture a generation or two, at a specific time in Japanese history.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics |