Hawaii Five-O : ...And I Want Some Candy And A Gun That Shoots
Show: Hawaii Five-O
Episode Name: ...And I Want Some Candy And A Gun That Shoots
Season: 4
Episode Nr: 6
Guest Stars '|Annette O\'Toole|Arte McCullough|Arthur Hee|Beau Vanden Ecker|Herman Wedemeyer|Jack Kaneshiro|Jeanne Cooper|Michael Burns|Nephi Hannemann|William Croarkin|Winona Collins|'
Overview 'Young Vietnam veteran and marksman Billy Shem Jr. buys a rifle under false pretences and proceeds to a bunker at Diamond Head. He then takes pot shots at the people on the road and then the police who arrive. McGarrett must neutralise the threat he poses by any means possible.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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