Coronation Street : 24 October 2005
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: 24 October 2005
Season: 46
Episode Nr: 214
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Danny\'s reeling at the news that Mike\'s his father. His confusion turns to anger when he realises it\'s true. He feels betrayed. Danny thinks Harry must have known he wasn\'t Danny\'s father but Mike insists Viv was the only one to know. Ashley\'s angry at Claire for going back to work but Claire insists she\'ll be extra vigilant. Ashley and Claire make up. Norris gets a new sign made for The Kabin which reads \"Cole and Sullivan\". Rita\'s furious at Norris putting his name first. Yana distracts Diggory while Les steals a wedding cake from the bakers. Kirk asks Blanche what size girdle she wears. Blanche hits him across the arm with her walking stick. Les and Cilla hide their stolen cake under a tablecloth. They tell Kirk it\'s a budgie in a cage. Jimmy threatens Lloyd again and makes racist comments. Lloyd\'s angry and decides he\'s on Steve\'s side when it comes to Jimmy Clayton. Danny sits in the factory alone feeling emotionally drained.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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