Coronation Street : Wed 11 Feb, 2004
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: Wed 11 Feb, 2004
Season: 45
Episode Nr: 31
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Tracy breaks down in tears as she thinks about the prospect of losing her baby. Hayley is excited when Roy tells her that Tracy will be leaving the hospital today - meaning that the baby would be handed over to them. Deirdre tries to persuade her daughter to keep her new born baby girl. Steve tells Tracy that she\'s doing the right thing by giving the baby away. Tracy reconsiders giving her baby away until she is given some emotional blackmail by Hayley. When Tracy unwillingly hands her baby over and is given the rest of her money, she shuts the front door and sobs her heart out as she realizes what she has done.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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