Coronation Street : Mon 4 Apr, 2005 [Episode 1]
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: Mon 4 Apr, 2005 [Episode 1]
Season: 46
Episode Nr: 67
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'On his second date with his new woman, Louise, Steve tells her that he\'s really fallen for her! They also share their first kiss . . . Meanwhile, news of Angela\'s arrest spreads up and down the street like wild fire, the factory girls stand by their own and dismiss any claims of Angela\'s innocence. At the Harris\' house, forensic teams ransack the place in search of new evidence. They leave the mess for Katy and Craig to clear up. Craig remains convinced of his mother\'s innocence . . . Later, Angela\'s father turns up to take care of the kids. Angela is questioned by the detectives. They put pressure on her to tell the truth but she holds her ground telling them that she has nothing to say . . . But when the chief detective threatens to bring in her kids, Angela tells them what they want to hear: she killed Tommy . . .\r\nContinues in half an hour . . .'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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