Coronation Street : Mon 11 Apr, 2005 [Episode 2]
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: Mon 11 Apr, 2005 [Episode 2]
Season: 46
Episode Nr: 74
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Steve almost stands Louise up on their last night together when he gives Tracy a shoulder to cry on. But even though he\'s late, Louise agrees that they should spend their last night together . . . Danny and Leanne both lie, or at least tell half truths, to avoid being caught out by their respective other halves! While Katy prepares an overdose of sugar next door, Martin enjoys an evening in the place that he still calls home with the people who are still his family. Sarah and David both suspect that there might be something going on between Martin and Gail - especially when Martin is still to be found in the house the next morning! In truth, Martin simply spent the night on the sofa safe in the knowledge that he was surrounded by those he loved . . . Later, when Gail\'s gone to work and David\'s gone to school, Martin, Scooter and Sarah hear music coming from the supposedly empty Harris house next door. They go and investigate. Martin peers through the front window and can make out'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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