Coronation Street : Wed 11 May, 2005
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: Wed 11 May, 2005
Season: 46
Episode Nr: 98
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Keith gets frustrated with David when his football keeps finding its way into the Harris\' back garden - the ball gets popped! Meanwhile, Cilla gives Rocky his cards at the chippy then hires her old pal Yana to take over as assistant friar and Betty lets Shelley and Charlie know of her disapproval over his recent violent behavior. Also, when Sally is told that she can only get the job that Ian set her up with if she sleeps with the boss she storms out enraged! She decides that enough is enough and tells Kevin that Ian\'s been propositioning her - she said no of course! Kevin storms out to find Ian when Rosie emerges from the living room having heard the whole thing! She screams at her mum for lying to her dad. As Rosie tells Sally that she has to lie to Kevin to protect their marriage, at Davenport\'s, Kevin smacks Ian! Ian reacts by telling Kevin the whole truth - at first Kevin thinks he\'s lying but Ian soon brings Kevin round, after all, why would Ian lie? Kevin returns home. Sally a'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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