Coronation Street : Mon 13 Jun, 2005
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: Mon 13 Jun, 2005
Season: 46
Episode Nr: 120
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Steve tells Liz that he\'s beginning to regret getting together with Tracy while Tracy starts to get really serious and arranges with Blanche to kick the Baldwins out of number 7 so that she and Steve can\'t start living there as a proper family! Later, when Liz learns that Steve has agreed to move into number 7 with Tracy she starts laying into him only to be warned off telling Tracy how Steve\'s really feeling because he\'s worried Tracy will take it out on baby Amy! Meanwhile, after getting the news that they\'re being kicked out, the Baldwins start to look ahead to a new house (well, Frankie\'s keen anyway!) and Claire decides that maybe she wasn\'t ready for a bus and decides to try out for a job at Street Cars!'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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