Coronation Street : Mon 27 Jun, 2005 [Episode 2]
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: Mon 27 Jun, 2005 [Episode 2]
Season: 46
Episode Nr: 130
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'The Baldwins are shocked by Carol\'s arrival. Danny tells her to get out. Frankie feels sorry for her and invites her to join them for dinner. Fred\'s angry when he discovers one of Eddie Maddocks\' defamatory posters stuck to his window and resolves to consult his solicitor. Sean, Eileen and Violet play a trick on Jason with Elsa, the stuffed cat. Tensions are running high at the Baldwins\'. Carol becomes emotional realising she doesn\'t belong as they\'re not her family. Danny accuses her of making trouble. Carol gets drunk and starts shouting at Frankie for pinching Danny from her. Jamie gets upset and offers to drive her home. Frankie discovers Danny has secretly visited Carol in Birmingham warning her to stay away from his family. Danny throws Carol out of the house. Frankie and Jamie drive Carol home. Carol\'s vitriolic accusing Frankie of ruining her life and Jamie of choosing his dad over her. Jason tells Violet he loves her and suggests they get married but Violet says it\'s too soon although she does love him. Leanne stays with Danny. They have sex in Danny and Frankie\'s bed. Warren and Candice arrive home but Leanne and Danny manage to cover their tracks. '
Air Date 0000-00-00

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