Coronation Street : 19th March 1993
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: 19th March 1993
Season: 34
Episode Nr: 34
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Carmel has a broken leg but Gail fears that she might have damaged the baby. Angie tells Neil that she doesn\'t want him as she\'ll always be second-best for him. Reg is disappointed when Maureen seems evasive about going out with him. Andy returns from Sheffield for Easter. Gail and Martin are shocked when the doctor at the hospital tells them that Carmel isn\'t pregnant. Gail grows hysterical. Martin has to stop her from laying into Carmel. Martin cracks and tells Carmel that she\'s got to stop her lies. She tells him that one day they will have a baby. Martin is asked to leave the ward when he starts shouting at Carmel that she\'s evil. Angie is impressed when Neil makes a big effort, cooking her a meal. He tells her that from now on she\'s the only woman in his life. Martin tells Gail they can\'t let Carmel ruin their lives. They reaffirm their love for each other. Neil is delighted when Angie asks him to move in with her. Carmel tells the Police that Gail pushed her down the stairs in a jealous fit. '
Air Date 0000-00-00

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