Coronation Street : 22 June 1992
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: 22 June 1992
Season: 33
Episode Nr: 75
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'The Police call on Ivy and tell her that Don has been involved in an accident. Vera goes with Ivy to the hospital. Dr McKinnon tells Ivy that Don\'s in a critical condition; he is unconscious, his body covered in bandages. His ribs are broken and his legs have multiple fractures. Ivy is distraught. Gail rushes to help Ivy, taking her rosary beads to her. Steve helps Gail out at the cafe, waiting on. Ivy keeps a bedside vigil. The Police tell Gail that they don\'t understand why Don was doing 70mph down a country road.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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