Coronation Street : 1 July 1992
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: 1 July 1992
Season: 33
Episode Nr: 79
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Steve pushes Andy and together they send Liz a bouquet. Ivy calls on Julie. Julie tells her that she hasn\'t slept with Don for a year. She tells Ivy that she didn\'t chase Don; he did all the running. Ivy refuses to believe her. Julie tells her that Don crashed his car because she\'d refused to take him in. Ivy is horrified to hear Don was planning to leave her. She accuses Julie of lying but realises she\'s telling the truth. Liz is thrilled to receive the flowers. Ted is depressed that he\'s going to die now he\'s found someone he really loves. He wants to grow old with Rita. Don tells Ivy he won\'t be returning to her when he leaves hospital. Ivy is bitter and tells him that Julie won\'t have him either.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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