Coronation Street : 24 July 1992
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: 24 July 1992
Season: 33
Episode Nr: 89
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Raquel models for knitting pattern leaflets. Vicky doesn\'t want to be met from the station by the Gilroys as it will be a reminder of the Ardens\' deaths so she gets Steve to meet her. Emily is delighted when Mike tells her that he\'s dropping the court case. Rita tries to cover for Ted when his speech becomes slurred. Derek thinks Ted is a drunk. Mavis feels he\'s right and tells Rita that she\'ll support her if she needs help and tells her they think Ted\'s an alcoholic. Jim is told he can go full-time at work in five weeks. To fill in time he suggests to Liz that they holiday in Ireland. Rita tells Ted that she wants to tell the Wiltons the truth - they have a right to know.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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