Coronation Street : 21 August 1992
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: 21 August 1992
Season: 33
Episode Nr: 101
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Angie offers to design Kimberley\'s wedding dress. Gail is horrified that Martin has to spend £30 on two text books. Rita worries when Ted goes for a walk and is late back. Alec tells Vicky that he caught Steve with another girl. She is stunned. Ted promises Rita he\'ll always phone her in future to let her know he\'s alright. Brenda Taylor calls on Curly to give No.7. her approval. She finds a bra on the sofa. Curly assures her it isn\'t Kimberley\'s so she accuses him of being a womaniser. She refuses to let Kimberley marry him. Curly tells Angie to pack and leave but she is angry that their friendship means nothing to him. Martin finds £5 of his money is missing. He tells Gail it must have been taken. Vicky doesn\'t believe Steve has been \'unfaithful\'. Curly tells Brenda about Angie, saying that there\'s nothing between them and he\'s not going to let her suspicions stop him marrying Kimberley. She marvels at his masterfulness. Alec promises Bet their move will bring them closer together. Their standard of living will improve and they\'ll be able to retire in style.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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