Coronation Street : 11 September 1992
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: 11 September 1992
Season: 33
Episode Nr: 110
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Jack does a good job renovating the cot. Rita doesn\'t really have to arrange anything as Ted did it all before he died. Bet visits Vicky at school to explain what\'s happened. Bet assures her that she\'ll always be welcome in the Rovers and she\'s still married to Alec. Vicky is relieved that it\'s not all over. Ivy tells Gail that she\'s upset at never being asked to babysit. Rita registers Ted\'s death. Vera tells Jack that he\'s going to have to get rid of his pigeons as they\'re a health risk to the baby.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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