Coronation Street : 9 November 1992
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: 9 November 1992
Season: 33
Episode Nr: 135
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Carmel eagerly does all the housework at No.8. With Randolph Taylor\'s operation set for January, Kimberley tells Curly that she wants to marry in April. Phyllis trips in the Street and scratches her knees. Doug comes to her aid and drives her home. Harry Potts gets Derek to clean out all the drains by himself. Lisa is confused by her feelings for Des as she loves Terry. She decides to stay away from Des. Derek decides to resign; he can\'t take Potts anymore. Curly decides to build an observatory for his telescope in the attic. Angie warns him that Kimberley might not be supportive. Richard Willmore tells Bet that she has to enter the Rovers in a superquiz to boost trade. Maggie thanks Ken for helping her to enjoy herself again. Bet is trapped into accepting Reg as team leader for the superquiz.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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