Coronation Street : 13th August 1993
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: 13th August 1993
Season: 34
Episode Nr: 97
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Nicky is disgusted when Brendan gives him his old cast-iron bike. Andy tells Jim that there\'s nothing going on between Liz and Colin Barnes. Emily admits to Ken that she\'s only working for Brendan to stop him replacing Deirdre in her absence. Andy is forced to admit to Jim that he saw Colin kissing Liz. Kevin borrows Curly\'s car to take the family to the Lake District. Mike suggests to Maggie that he pays for Mark to attend a local private day school. Liz tells Colin she feels that she never wants to return to Jim. Audrey begins to despair as Alf talks longly about a peaceful retirement. The Websters settle into the cottage. Joe leaves Jonathan with them. Jim refuses to tackle Liz and annoys her - he plans to learn from his mistakes. Liz allows Colin to stay the night with her.'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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