Coronation Street : Episode 2557 (2nd October 1985)
Show: Coronation Street
Episode Name: Episode 2557 (2nd October 1985)
Season: 26
Episode Nr: 79
Guest Stars ''
Overview 'Percy, Sam and the bowlers set off to Southport. Percy is shocked to find that Phyllis has got a ticket. Bet sees George Newton. She tells him that she is annoyed at his lack of trust in her. Audrey is impressed at the way Alf has renovated the shop and is interested to know he hasn\'t got a girlfriend. Bet admits she made a mistake to George. He thinks that she can\'t handle the responsibility and puts her on probation. Bet thanks Betty for running the pub and tells Gloria she\'s pleased at her progress and takes her on permanently. Percy and Phyllis miss the coach home. Alf is thrilled to see Audrey back. Sam thinks that Percy has taken Phyllis to a Southport hotel to have his way with her.\r\n\r\n'
Air Date 0000-00-00

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