
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 298kb
Overview: After the loss of his father, Colin must start over at a new school, in a new city, and make new friends. None of this comes easy to Colin, but he quickly finds a small group of like-minded role-playing friends that accept him for the slightly awkward teenager that he is. At the weekends, as Sebastian, he battles to save Callum’s Reach from the dark malevolent creatures that inhabit the Brood Forest as part of their weekly game. During the week, Colin, prone to overthinking everything, must learn to face his own demons as he battles to fit in at Ridge Valley High School. Can Colin put into practice some of the skill that his character is learning, and make the same impact at school as Sebastian is in the Brood Forest? Can his weekly game, help Colin in more ways than he realizes?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy |