
Year of release: 2015
Genre: RPG / 2015
Developer: CD PROJEKT RED / Halk Hogan PL
Publisher: CD PROJEKT RED /
Publication type: RePack
Interface language: Russian / English
Voice language: Russian / English
System Requirements:
Operating system: Windows 7 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 (64-bit versions)
Processor: Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz / AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940;
Video card: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660 / AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870;
Free space on hard disk: 50gb
- Based on the release from GOG (Game of the Year Edition)
- Nothing cut / Not recoded
- Version v.1.31.0
- Added mod The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project v. 12.0
- Installation time 20 minutes on the HDD (depending on the computer)
Repack from xatab
- Selecting the mod installation or not in the installer during installation.
- Changing the game language and voice acting in any combination, in the game settings
Additions in the release: DLC 1 - The Witcher 3: Temerian Armor Set - A set of Temerian armor - only the best warriors of Temeria can wear such armor. The set includes: jacket, mittens, pants, boots and horse harness.
DLC 2 - The Witcher 3: Beard and Hairstyle Set - Hair and Beard Cut Set - Change Geralt of Rivia's appearance the way you like with this set of gorgeous beards and hairstyles.
DLC 3 - The Witcher 3: Contract Missing Miners - New task - Order: missing miners - miners began to disappear in a tiny village on Skellig. Find out what's going on there! Quest "Lost Miners": will take place near a small village on Skellig.
DLC 4 - The Witcher 3: Alternative Look for Yennefer - Alternative Look for Yennefer - admire the new look of the powerful sorceress Yennefer of Vengerberg! The new image of Yennefer can be enabled in the game settings, in the "Downloadable content" tab.
DLC 5 - The Witcher 3: Nilfgaardian Armor Set - Nilfgaardian Armor Set.
DLC 6 - The Witcher 3: Elite Crossbow Set - Elite crossbow set for Geralt.
DLC 7 - The Witcher 3: New Quest 'Fool's Gold' - New quest - Fool's Gold.
DLC 8 - The Witcher 3: 'Ballad Heroes' Neutral Gwent Card Set - A set of neutral cards for playing Gwent - Ballad Heroes.
DLC 9 - The Witcher 3: Alternative Look for Triss - Alternative look for Triss Merigold.
DLC 10 - The Witcher 3: New Quest - Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear - Mission Chain "Witcher Antiquities + Equipment of the Wolf School"
DLC 11 - The Witcher 3: Skellige Armor set - Skellig armor set for Geralt and his horse.
DLC 12 - The Witcher 3: Skellige's Most Wanted contract - Quest "Skellige's Most Dangerous Criminal"
DLC 13 - The Witcher 3: Where the Cat and Wolf Play ... - Quest "Where the Cat and Wolf Play ...". "Explore an abandoned village and its terrible secret. Find out what caused the massacre and use your witcher skills as you face this mysterious force." The contract for the quest can be obtained in the village of Oreton, in Velen.
DLC 14 - The Witcher 3: Alternative Look for Ciri - New costume for Ciri.
DLC 15 - The Witcher 3: New Finisher Animations - New finishing moves.
DLC 16 - The Witcher 3: New game +
DLC 17 - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone
DLC 18 - The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine