Télécharger Adobe Substance 3D Painter v7 2 2 1163 (x64) + Fix {CracksHash} torrent - GloDLS
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Adobe Substance 3D Painter v7 2 2 1163 (x64) + Fix {CracksHash}

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_NAME_:Adobe Substance 3D Painter v7 2 2 1163 (x64) + Fix {CracksHash}

Adobe Substance 3D Painter v7.2.2.1163 (x64) + Fix {CracksHash}

Substance 3D Painter is a brand new 3D Painting app with never before seen features and workflow improvements to make the creation of textures for 3D assets easier than ever. It is acknowledged as the most innovative and user-friendly 3D Painter out there.

Features :-

Paint life into your 3D assets.
Substance 3D Painter has the tools you need to texture your 3D assets, from advanced brushes to Smart Materials that automatically adapt to your model. Breathe life into your art.

The industry standard.
Substance 3D Painter is widely used in game and movie production as well as in product design, fashion, and architecture. It’s a go-to 3D texturing app for creative professionals everywhere.

Full creative freedom.
Painter helps you achieve the look you want, from product design to realistic games and visual effects to projects such as stylized animation.

Smart tools for enhanced artistry.
Use Smart Materials that adjust to any object to show realistic surface detail or wear and tear. Explore mask presets that adapt to any shape, and paint with efficient, dynamic tools.

What you see is what you get.
The state-of-the-art viewport in Painter shows all your artistic decisions in real time. Iterate on complex materials with advanced lighting and shadows, making texturing even more creative and painless. You can even preview your model in the included path tracing mode.

It’s nondestructive.
In Painter, every action and stroke is recorded, and can be recomputed at any time. This means you can change the resolution of your project at any time without ever decreasing quality, or even modify existing paint strokes.

Powerful paint engine
Paint using dynamic brushes, projection tools, or particles. Painter also supports Adobe Photoshop brush presets.

Smart Materials and Smart Masks
Apply realistic details, from subtle dust layers to signs of extreme wear and tear.

Advanced material creation
Reproduce real-life material behaviors such as subsurface scattering, sheen, anisotropy, or clear-coat. Preserve these properties when exporting.

Easy exports
Export to any game engine or renderer effortlessly. Create custom export presets to fit into any pipeline or workflow.

Automatic UVs
Automatic UVs ensure imported models don’t need any special preparation for texturing. Lay out UVs over multiple tiles to maintain high resolution.

VFX support
Painter supports multi-tile painting (UDIMs), Alembic, camera import, and Python scripting and is compliant with the VFX Reference Platform.

Instructions and Fix is provided in the files

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Crack - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/8501fa9ca8c0d552379e8f35de36710ed7e7f12670ba45d0333eecf6d5ce34bd/detection

Crack https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/8501fa9ca8c0d552379e8f35de36710ed7e7f12670ba45d0333eecf6d5ce34bd/detection

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Langue :English  English
Taille totale:1.51 GB
Info Hash:8D9FC89B826326626BEA4221AD0483DEF4D8B65A
Ajouté par:crackshash Verified UploaderAndroid Uploader
Date:2021-07-28 20:16:42
Statut Torrent:Torrent Verified

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