The international hit series follows crews of gold prospectors as they search for gold on some of Australia’s most extreme landscapes.
This season will have 20 episodes and seven teams of gold hunters – the largest number in the show’s history. The team will have extra motivation considering the record-breaking price of Australian gold along with the increasing number of nuggets being found lying very close to the surface.
The season will feature new faces with five new teams joining the hunt, as well as some returning favourites including Victoria Diggers Mick Clark and Neville Perry fresh off the back of unearthing the biggest gold nugget in television history last season. Also returning this season are Gold Gypsies Greg and Chris Clark from Western Australia.
The new teams include Western Australian’s Marcus McGuire and Linden Brownley who are First Nations Wongutha men who have a large family scattered all over the goldfields. Rob Dale and Rob ‘Turbo’ Linton aka the Gold Timers from WA are tradesmen and with their contract work in the city at an all-time low are putting their mortgages and family finances on the line and taking a huge gamble. Prospecting partners Shane Calegari and Russell Nash from WA met working on plumbing jobs in Perth. Shane is a fifth-generation miner and returning to gold hunting after a 30-year break, while Russell is relatively new to the game.
While the larger teams include The Dust Devils – Paul Mackie & Jake Armstrong (WA) and their dads John and Mike dig deeper and employ three gold processing plants to recover every gram of gold from their pay dirt. Meanwhile the Poseidon Crew – Brent Shannon and Ethan West (VIC) are working some of the most gold rich ground on the planet.
Episode 3
The Dust Devils' entire operation is forced to shut down as The Poseidon Crew's dig zone floods, forcing them to abandon their deep pit mining.
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