Clinical Companion for Fundamentals of Nursing: Active Learning for Collaborative Practice, 2nd Edition [NulledPremium]
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Barbara L. Yoost, Lynne R. Crawford | 2020 | ISBN: 0323597289 | English | 399 pages | ePUB, PDF | 73 MB
Keep all the hard-to-remember nursing information with you right at the point of care with this portable, easy-to-use clinical reference. Organized with your clinical experience in mind, this Clinical Companion for Fundamentals of Nursing: Active Learning for Collaborative Practice, 2nd Edition features all the facts, terms, charts, graphs, numbers, and abbreviations you need to know from the time you see your first patient and all the patients after! Take advantage of the new body system assessment chapters, new guidelines on preventing pressure ulcers, and a new section on health care terminology. Best of all, the facts and figures housed in this compact reference are organized using tabs, lists, and outlines to make the process of finding the right information a fast one.
• Detailed information on calculations, safety, compatibilities, conversions, administration, and more help you prevent medication errors and ensure safe practice.
• Tabular, list, and outline formats for content make information easy to find and review.
• Small, portable size makes the information easy to carry around during clinical practice.
• NEW! Body system assessment chapters help you learn to take a systematic and thorough approach to health assessment.
• NEW! Updated guidelines for pressure ulcer prevention and care can now be referenced quickly while on the job.
• NEW! Section on health care terminology helps you better understand clinical terms as they are encountered. |