ファイル | サイズ |
01. Getting Started (3m)/1- Introduction/1- Introduction.mp4 | 57.12 MB |
01. Getting Started (3m)/1- Introduction/1- Introduction.mp4.eng.vtt | 1.65 kB |
01. Getting Started (3m)/2- Prerequisites/2- Prerequisites.mp4 | 17.98 MB |
01. Getting Started (3m)/2- Prerequisites/2- Prerequisites.mp4.eng.vtt | 1.00 kB |
01. Getting Started (3m)/3- How to Take this Course/3- How to Take this Course.mp4 | 63.63 MB |
01. Getting Started (3m)/3- How to Take this Course/3- How to Take this Course.mp4.eng.vtt | 1.82 kB |
01. Getting Started (3m)/4- Supplementary Materials/4- Supplementary Materials.pdf | 48.55 kB |
01. Getting Started (3m)/4- Supplementary Materials/Django- Resources.zip | 1.62 MB |
01. Getting Started (3m)/5- Getting Help/5- Getting Help.pdf | 57.25 kB |
01. Getting Started (3m)/6- Learning Paths/6- Learning Paths .pdf | 47.76 kB |
01. Getting Started (3m)/7- Follow Me Around/7- Follow Me Around .pdf | 60.74 kB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/1- Introduction [TutFlix.ORG]/1- Introduction.mp4 | 13.46 MB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/1- Introduction [TutFlix.ORG]/1- Introduction.mp4.eng.vtt | 935.00 B |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/10- Using Templates [TutFlix.ORG]/10- Using Templates.mp4 | 59.21 MB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/10- Using Templates [TutFlix.ORG]/10- Using Templates.mp4.eng.vtt | 5.34 kB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/11- Debugging Django Applications in VSCode [TutFlix.ORG]/11- Debugging Django Applications in VSCode.mp4 | 156.55 MB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/11- Debugging Django Applications in VSCode [TutFlix.ORG]/11- Debugging Django Applications in VSCode.mp4.eng.vtt | 10.54 kB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/12 - Using Django Debug Toolbar [TutFlix.ORG]/12 - Using Django Debug Toolbar.mp4 | 91.76 MB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/2- What is Django [TutFlix.ORG]/2- What is Django.mp4 | 168.04 MB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/3- How the Web Works [TutFlix.ORG]/3- How the Web Works.mp4 | 215.49 MB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/3- How the Web Works [TutFlix.ORG]/3- How the Web Works.mp4.eng.vtt | 6.70 kB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/4- Setting Up the Development Environment [TutFlix.ORG]/4- Setting Up the Development Environment.mp4 | 48.59 MB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/4- Setting Up the Development Environment [TutFlix.ORG]/4- Setting Up the Development Environment.mp4.eng.vtt | 2.87 kB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/5- Creating Your First Django Project [TutFlix.ORG]/5- Creating Your First Django Project.mp4 | 101.77 MB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/5- Creating Your First Django Project [TutFlix.ORG]/5- Creating Your First Django Project.mp4.eng.vtt | 8.52 kB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/6- Using the Integrated Terminal in VSCode [TutFlix.ORG]/6- Using the Integrated Terminal in VSCode.mp4 | 42.64 MB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/6- Using the Integrated Terminal in VSCode [TutFlix.ORG]/6- Using the Integrated Terminal in VSCode.mp4.eng.vtt | 3.37 kB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/7- Creating Your First App [TutFlix.ORG]/7- Creating Your First App.mp4 | 91.68 MB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/7- Creating Your First App [TutFlix.ORG]/7- Creating Your First App.mp4.eng.vtt | 5.27 kB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/8- Writing Views [TutFlix.ORG]/8- Writing Views.mp4 | 34.77 MB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/8- Writing Views [TutFlix.ORG]/8- Writing Views.mp4.eng.vtt | 2.54 kB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/9- Mapping URLs to Views [TutFlix.ORG]/9- Mapping URLs to Views.mp4 | 78.01 MB |
02. Django Fundamentals (45m)/9- Mapping URLs to Views [TutFlix.ORG]/9- Mapping URLs to Views.mp4.eng.vtt | 6.44 kB |
03. Building a Data Model (45m)/1- Introduction [TutFlix.ORG]/1- Introduction.mp4 | 14.31 MB |
03. Building a Data Model (45m)/10- Resolving Circular Relationships [TutFlix.ORG]/10- Resolving Circular Relationships.mp4 | 38.32 MB |
03. Building a Data Model (45m)/11- Generic Relationships [TutFlix.ORG]/11- Generic Relationships.mp4 | 155.36 MB |
03. Building a Data Model (45m)/2- Introduction to Data Modeling [TutFlix.ORG]/2- Introduction to Data Modeling.mp4 | 60.11 MB |
03. Building a Data Model (45m)/3- Building an E-commerce Data Model [TutFlix.ORG]/3- Building an E-commerce Data Model.mp4 | 18.07 MB |
03. Building a Data Model (45m)/4- Organizing Models in Apps [TutFlix.ORG]/4- Organizing Models in Apps.mp4 | 115.08 MB |
03. Building a Data Model (45m)/5- Creating Models [TutFlix.ORG]/5- Creating Models.mp4 | 163.92 MB |
03. Building a Data Model (45m)/6- Choice Fields [TutFlix.ORG]/6- Choice Fields.mp4 | 123.63 MB |
03. Building a Data Model (45m)/7- Defining One-to-one Relationships [TutFlix.ORG]/7- Defining One-to-one Relationships.mp4 | 72.14 MB |
03. Building a Data Model (45m)/8- Defining a One-to-many Relationship [TutFlix.ORG]/8- Defining a One-to-many Relationship.mp4 | 136.75 MB |
03. Building a Data Model (45m)/9- Defining Many-to-many Relationships [TutFlix.ORG]/9- Defining Many-to-many Relationships.mp4 | 86.99 MB |
4.Setting Up the Database (40m)/1- Introduction [TutFlix.ORG]/1- Introduction.mp4 | 10.56 MB |
4.Setting Up the Database (40m)/10- Running Custom SQL [TutFlix.ORG]/10- Running Custom SQL.mp4 | 44.43 MB |
4.Setting Up the Database (40m)/11- Generating Dummy Data [TutFlix.ORG]/11- Generating Dummy Data.mp4 | 78.59 MB |
4.Setting Up the Database (40m)/2- Supported Database Engines [TutFlix.ORG]/2- Supported Database Engines.mp4 | 24.14 MB |
4.Setting Up the Database (40m)/3- Creating Migrations [TutFlix.ORG]/3- Creating Migrations.mp4 | 218.97 MB |
4.Setting Up the Database (40m)/4- Running Migrations [TutFlix.ORG]/4- Running Migrations.mp4 | 96.21 MB |
4.Setting Up the Database (40m)/5- Customizing Database Schema [TutFlix.ORG]/5- Customizing Database Schema.mp4 | 83.87 MB |
4.Setting Up the Database (40m)/6- Reverting Migrations [TutFlix.ORG]/6- Reverting Migrations.mp4 | 84.43 MB |
4.Setting Up the Database (40m)/7- Installing MySQL [TutFlix.ORG]/7- Installing MySQL.mp4 | 89.38 MB |
4.Setting Up the Database (40m)/8- Connecting to MySQL [TutFlix.ORG]/8- Connecting to MySQL.mp4 | 51.20 MB |
4.Setting Up the Database (40m)/9- Using MySQL in Django [TutFlix.ORG]/9- Using MySQL in Django.mp4 | 102.25 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/1 - Introduction/1 - Introduction.mp4 | 28.42 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/10- Limiting Results/10- Limiting Results.mp4 | 24.76 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/11- Selecting Fields to Query/11- Selecting Fields to Query.mp4 | 135.20 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/12- Deferring Fields/12- Deferring Fields.mp4 | 66.97 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/13- Selecting Related Objects/13- Selecting Related Objects.mp4 | 203.58 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/14- Aggregating Objects/14- Aggregating Objects.mp4 | 59.20 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/15- Annotating Objects/15- Annotating Objects.mp4 | 70.35 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/16- Calling Database Functions/16- Calling Database Functions.mp4 | 97.94 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/17- Grouping Data/17- Grouping Data.mp4 | 82.12 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/18- Working with Expression Wrappers/18- Working with Expression Wrappers.mp4 | 74.01 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/19- Querying Generic Relationships/19- Querying Generic Relationships.mp4 | 131.92 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/2- Django ORM/2- Django ORM.mp4 | 159.71 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/20- Custom Managers/20- Custom Managers.mp4 | 60.38 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/21- Understanding QuerySet Cache/21- Understanding QuerySet Cache.mp4 | 44.34 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/22- Creating Objects/22- Creating Objects.mp4 | 102.95 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/23- Updating Objects/23- Updating Objects.mp4 | 86.77 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/24- Deleting Objects/24- Deleting Objects.mp4 | 17.50 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/25- Transactions/25- Transactions.mp4 | 72.95 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/26- Executing Raw SQL Queries/26- Executing Raw SQL Queries.mp4 | 80.42 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/3- Resetting the Database/3- Resetting the Database.mp4 | 78.33 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/4- Managers and QuerySets/4- Managers and QuerySets.mp4 | 83.96 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/5- Retrieving Objects/5- Retrieving Objects.mp4 | 86.94 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/6- Filtering Objects/6- Filtering Objects.mp4 | 97.58 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/7- Complex Lookups Using Q Objects/7- Complex Lookups Using Q Objects.mp4 | 79.21 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/8- Referencing Fields using F Objects/8- Referencing Fields using F Objects.mp4 | 32.67 MB |
5.Django ORM (100m)/9- Sorting/9- Sorting.mp4 | 65.48 MB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/1- Introduction/1- Introduction.mp4 | 16.35 MB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/10- Adding Filtering to the List Page/10- Adding Filtering to the List Page.mp4 | 104.51 MB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/11- Creating Custom Actions/11- Creating Custom Actions.mp4 | 90.96 MB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/12- Customizing Forms/12- Customizing Forms.mp4 | 112.97 MB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/13- Adding Data Validation/13- Adding Data Validation.mp4 | 96.71 MB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/14- Editing Children Using Inlines/14- Editing Children Using Inlines.mp4 | 43.85 MB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/15- Using Generic Relations/15- Using Generic Relations.mp4 | 84.14 MB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/16- Extending Pluggable Apps/16- Extending Pluggable Apps.mp4 | 116.54 MB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/17- What's Next/17- What's Next.mp4 | 36.28 MB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/18- The Ultimate Django- Part 2/18- The Ultimate Django- Part 2 .pdf | 54.83 kB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/2- Setting Up the Admin Site/2- Setting Up the Admin Site.mp4 | 30.56 MB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/3- Registering Models/3- Registering Models.mp4 | 66.30 MB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/4- Customizing the List Page/4- Customizing the List Page.mp4 | 85.99 MB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/5- Adding Computed Columns/5- Adding Computed Columns.mp4 | 39.84 MB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/6- Selecting Related Objects/6- Selecting Related Objects.mp4 | 89.66 MB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/7- Overriding the Base QuerySet/7- Overriding the Base QuerySet.mp4 | 71.01 MB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/8- Providing Links to Other Pages/8- Providing Links to Other Pages.mp4 | 128.15 MB |
6.The Admin Site (1h)/9- Adding Search to the List Page/9- Adding Search to the List Page.mp4 | 40.09 MB |
Downloaded from AhlanGFX.com.txt | 1.02 kB |
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