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Overview: I was born in Kazakhstan in 1991, and my life’s journey has taken me down many paths, from the intricacies of finance, to the realm of banking, to the nuances of marketing. But it was the realm of writing that finally captured my heart and soul. I currently reside in Belgrade, Serbia, where I create stories that resonate with my beloved readers.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy
2. The Gaslighter: Book 2 – They say telepaths are cruel.
They say telepaths devalue others’ wills and warp minds.
They say telepaths are manipulators and gaslighters.
You know, that’s not true! We have kind hearts and we’re not gaslighters at all! By the wa-a-a-a-y, if we convince that bandit he’s a ballerina, can he pull off a fouetté?
The Gaslighter: Book 3 – That’s nonsense, don’t make things up—I haven’t read anyone’s thoughts!
That’s nonsense, don’t make things up—I haven’t commanded any forest monsters!
That’s nonsense, don’t make things up—I never made any nobles who dared to oppose me stand on their heads and sing “Leningrad” songs!
That never happened! It’s some internet nonsense!
Did you see it yourself? Alright, calm down, it was just a joke. You’re overreacting to everything. No, this isn’t gaslighting! Not at all! Stop making things up, that’s absurd! |