_DESCRIPTION_: Positive Thinking 6 in 1 Box Set - Hygge and 50 Secrets Of A Danish Happy Life
English | PDF | 290 Pages | 1.46 MB
50 Secrets Of A Danish Happy Life
Hygge. It’s hard to say, but easy to do.
It’s a type of lifestyle that doesn’t discriminate based on income or location. Hygge can be enjoyed no matter who you are or where you’re from. And according to the studies, it’s also the express lane to a happier life.
Originating in Danish culture, Hygge is a heightened appreciation for the simple and familiar pleasures that everyday life entails. People who are tuned into Hygge find long-lasting joy in the seemingly most mundane things: in a candle’s flicker, in a chilly day’s nip, even in the low-key accomplishment gleaned from basic household chores.
The Power of Positive Thinking
A Self-Help Guide on How to Overcome Negativity, Adversity, Depression, and Change Your Life
Each one of us has a story we tell ourselves. For decades we have pondered how anxiety, depression, and negativity impact our lives, sometimes with debilitating manifestations.
In The Power of Positive Thinking the author slices through to the very root of our issues. When our brains are hijacked, our minds commandeered by our own internal demons and negative self-talk.
The book takes us through a journey of the self, examining the artificial constructs we’ve put in place to make our lives make sense, so we can justify our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Habit Stacking Project
7 Steps To Build Easy, Effective and Everlasting Habits
Everyone nowadays has the answer to creating a better life, improving lifestyle, staying fit…the list is endless. The truth is, we are better at sticking to our nasty habits then we are sticking to life improving behaviors. Yes, it is that easy! If we just can’t seem to break bad habits easily, it stands to reason that good habits would be just as difficult to ignore or forget.
Creating good habits is an easy thing to do, so easy in fact that most people don’t even try. The beauty of this logic is that it has lots of credibility and it works! It is time to make lasting changes to your life, happiness, health, and any other area you want to delve into. Habit stacking will not let you down, and the seven steps you will find in this book will provide you with all the stacking power you will need. |