Title: Receiver
Genre: Action, Indie, Simulation
Developer: Wolfire Games
Publisher: Wolfire GamesFranchise:Wolfire Games
Release Date: 29 Apr, 2013
About This Game
Receiver was created for the 7-day FPS challenge to explore gun handling mechanics, randomized levels, and unordered storytelling. Armed only with a handgun and an audio cassette player, you must uncover the secrets of the Mindkill in a building complex infested with automated turrets and hovering shock drones.
System Requirements
OS:Windows XPProcessor:2.0 GHzMemory:1 GB RAMGraphicsassmark G3D 250+Hard Drive:150 MB HD space
OS:Windows 7Processor:2.0 GHzMemory:2 GB RAMGraphicsassmark G3D 1000+Hard Drive:150 MB HD space