Title: The Voice from Heaven
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie, Strategy
Developer: FunSoft Games
Publisher: HH-GamesFranchise:Match3 Games
Release Date: 28 Jan, 2019
About This Game
A charming match3 game! Help Aurora heal the sick king with her magical voice and remove the curse from the kingdom.
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/ME/Vista/7/8/10Processor: 1.0GHz CPUMemory: 128 MB RAMGraphics: 128MBDirectX: Version 9.0Storage: 500 MB available spaceSound Card: DirectX compatible sound card
OS: Windows XP/ME/Vista/7/8/10Processor: 1.2GHz CPUMemory: 256 MB RAMGraphics: 256 MBDirectX: Version 9.0Storage: 500 MB available spaceSound Card: DirectX compatible sound card